Thursday, August 25, 2016

Halal Meat...

...the availability of halal meat is not a secret plot to impose Sharia law. My Muslim friends who do not insist on eating halal meat nevertheless tell me that it tastes better.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

11 Things You Always Wanted to Know about My Turban,,,

Sikhism is little known and widely misunderstood. Sikhs, in spite of their distinctive clothing, are often misidentified.

A good article about the turban can be found here.

More About Hijabs...

Good video with this article from the LA Times: Click Here.

From across the pond, a Muslim woman wins a Bake Off and faces abuse. Click Here.

And just to provoke a little thought, in this picture from the Rio Olympics, which of these women is oppressed by men? (Hint: It could be either, neither, or both).


Saturday, August 13, 2016

What Aaron Told Me

A Canadian reporter recounts his interviews with the ISIS sympathizer killed by police in an apparent attempt at a suicide bombing.

Read it here.

Fears About Syrian Refugees

"ISIS will come for our women”. That’s how one resident expressed his fears about the proposed settling of refugees in the US state of Montana.

Around 100 refugees could be moving to the American West thanks to a local group in Missoula who were inspired to help after seeing the photo of a drowned Syrian boy whose family had fled the conflict.

But people in the neighbouring rural county are not happy. A local politician told the BBC they want a guarantee refugees will not be a threat - and he warned of a culture clash between any Muslim refugees from Syria and the predominantly white local population.

Watch the video here.

Saudi Wahabism

This article in the New York Times takes interesting look at the conservative Islam of Saudi Arabia.