Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Gobekli Tepe

 Gobekli Tepe (Potbelly Hill) in Southern Turkey, near the border of Syria. This archaeological site may be the oldest known temple. It was built in the 10th Millennium BCE (about 6000 years before Stonehenge) and abandoned in the 8th Millenium. Discovered in the 1960s, this complex has led scholars to reconsider the previously held idea that civilization gave rise to religion. Now it is thought that religion may have given rise to civilization.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Cultural Appropiation

Victoria’s Secret offered an apology, via its Facebook page, saying they meant no harm.
“We are sorry that the Native American headdress replica used in our recent fashion show has upset individuals. We sincerely apologize as we absolutely had no intention to offend anyone,” the statement read. “Out of respect, we will not be including the outfit in any broadcast, marketing materials nor in any other way.” Link.
How is this different? (Trigger warning: rape).

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Reza Aslan Fox News Interview



Th lphbt s hrd t mstr;
Rdng bck t frnt’s dsstr.
Nlss h’s rd th clssfds,
whr trth, bbrvtd, hds,
th wld-b rdr f th Bbl,
prsntd wth th txt, s lbl
t trn nd rn wth shrks nd hwls-
th hbrw Scrptrs hv n vwls!

- Jessica Shaver

Thursday, November 27, 2014