Thursday, February 26, 2015

What to Do with Our Bodies afte rWe Die

"The Urban Death Project is developing a new option which may appeal to those among us who want to minimize environmental harm and give something back to the earth when we die. It is a system designed for urban settings in which human bodies are transformed into a soil-enriching substance. This choice can also provide a deeply spiritual element for those who see something sacred in the cycles of life and the processes of decomposition and regeneration."

Read the whole article here.

Joan Chittester and Oprah

"Every religion says there is one God."


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bodhisattva Vow

June 6, 2014 Sikh's Riot at Golden Temple

Story here.

More photos here.

LDS leadership surveys members on Temple Garments

News story here.

August 5. 2012 Shooting in Sikh Gurdwara

Wiki tells the story here.

Muslim Students Shot in Chapel Hill

Read about it here.

Early reports led to the creation of the #muslimlivesmatter hashtag on Twitter. The father of the two women insists that the murders were a hate crime.

It shortly became known that the accused murderer is a vocal atheist. This elicited response from several sectors of the atheist community.

Huffington Post reported on the response here.

Memorial vigils were held across the country.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Average Mohamed

A Somali-American gas station manager from Minnesota creates anti-extremist cartoons.

Article here.

Average Mohamed's website here.

As Average Mohamed would say, "Peace up. Extremist thinking out."

Tibetan Sky Burial

Thursday, February 5, 2015

National Prayer Breakfast 2/5/15

Mongolian Monk Mummy

Read all about it.

Or just watch this bad video:

This remarkably preserved monk, found in the lotus position, may have practiced self-mummification, a grueling process that begins to preserve one's body before death. Some Buddhists are claiming that the 200 year old monk is not, in fact, dead but in a deep meditative state.

Incorruptibility is considered a mark of sainthood in many traditions.  Even Vladmir Lenin's corpse, "perfectly" preserved, is seen as somehow marvelous.

Guru Ashutosh: Dead or Meditating?

Story Here.