Saturday, June 27, 2015

Post Mormons Meet in a Coffee Shop...

...and the LDS leadership shows new openness in discussing contentious matters of Latter Day Saint history.

Watch the video here.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sikh Student in the ROTC

A US District Court rules that a Sikh student does not need to trim his hair or beard, nor lose his turban to serve in the ROTC.

Click here.

Two Thinkpieces about Mormonism

A Mormon asks "Are We Mormons a Cult?"

A Christian asks "Is Mormonism Christian?"

Both answers are nuanced and surprising.

Ramadan Mubarak

Muslims in Reykjavik, Iceland fast for 22 hours daily during Ramadan in 2015.

Details here.

Interesting article on the meaning of Ramadan here.

The Gayatri Manta

Good morning!

Click here for a YouTube video of the mantra which many Hindus greet the new day.

The mantra greets the sun which, according to Grant Hardy, is to be understood as "light," understood as "knowledge."

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Soft Word Turneth Away Wrath

In response to armed protestors at a mosque, the Muslims invited them in for prayer...

Read about it here.

If this story is true, the organizer of the rally shows his true colors.