Friday, August 28, 2015

Satanic Coloring Book

In the interest of Church/State separation, the Satanic Temple requested that they be allowed to distribute coloring books in a Florida school. After all, the Gideons could hand out Bibles...

Read the story here.

See the coloring book here.

A friend of mine, a Christian mind you, says, "Satanists make everything better."

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Jainism's commitment to doing as little harm as possible leads to some of its practitioners intentionally starving themselves to death in a practice called santhara. It made the news this week...

Sikh Temple of Wisconsin Offers Prayers for Emanuel Church

Click here.

Controversy Over Portrait of Jesus in Public School

Warner Sallman's Head of Christ is reputedly the world's most reproduced painting. I have seen it hanging in the hallways of public schools and, if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Sallman used to be the guest at school assemblies where he made a gift of the painting to the school. When Royster Middle School in Chanute, Kansas removed their print of the painting, it made some residents unhappy.

Read about it here.

And watch the Today Show's report on video here.

One of my seminary profs used to call this painting "Beautiful Hair Breck Jesus."

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

YouTube's Battle Against ISIS

The self-proclaimed Islamic State is giving all Muslims a bad name. Unfortunately their extremism captures headlines. Reasonable Muslim voices are drowned out by the violence and ignored by the media.

YouTube is trying to do something about it.

Read the article. Watch the videos. Don't imagine that ISIS is typical of Islam. Don't be an Islamophobe.

Really, don't be an Islamophobe.

Mormons Appoint Women to Leadership Positions

Read all about it.

It is my observation that, at least in the west, issues of sexuality are the bleeding edge for religions today. Questions about women in leadership and the inclusion of LGBTQ individuals are hot button topics. Some groups trench in and maintain traditional view. Others are opening up to a greater or lesser extent. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, traditionally patriarchal, has appointed three women to leadership roles.

They have also been more open about some of the details of their history than was previously the case.

Ten Things You Learn in Religion 101

This article is not without it problems. It is written from a Christian, and I think an Evangelical point-of-view. It is more about historical comparative Christianity than religion in general. Still, it is worth reading, especially for those who have an Evangelical Christian background.

Sex Slavery...

The self-proclaimed Islamic State is enslaving and systematically raping women, particularly Yazidi women. This article looks at the problem in some depth. It's well worth the read.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Religous Dress

Nice article here about why some religious groups dress as they do.

There is no mention of the Mormon temple garments, however. Some women would like to have the temple garments redesigned.

Zoroastrians Sue Snoop Dogg

Zoroastrians don't make the news very often. There really aren't that many of them. But...

Click here.