Friday, October 9, 2015

Facts About American Muslims


Islamophobia and Interfaith Efforts to Oppose It.

Islamophobia, the unreasoning fear of Islam, is a real thing. As an example, I offer this article about that controversy in a town in Florida that came from a photograph of a group of Muslim men exercising their constitutional right to pray.

There are individuals who profit--financially, politically, personally-- from peddling Islamophobia and pandering to the fears of the uninformed.

There has been a call for protests at mosques across America today. Link.

Fortunately there are interfaith groups actively working to counter them. Link.

On a related note, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks was interviewed on National Public Radio about his new book Not in God's Name. It is well worth a listen.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tribalism Poisons Everything

Read a good thinkpiece titled Atheist Tribalism Poisons Everything.

Religion is not the problem. Non-religion is not the problem. Tribalism is the problem.

Diwali for Dogs

Zorastrians feed their dogs first.

In Nepal, dogs are celebrated with a special day each year. Read about it here.

Thursday, October 1, 2015