Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Who Made It OK to Hate Muslims?

Islamophobia is a useful tool for political gain employed by both major American parties.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Catholics, and Muslims, and Mary (Oh, My)!

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is mentioned more times in the Qur'an than in the New Testament. The 9th Surah is devoted to her. Here is an article about a shrine to Mary in Lebanon that has become a "symbol of unity" for Christians and Muslims.

100 Years of Hijab Fashion

The hijab, the Muslim head covering, is a contentious issue. Basically, it is a form of the "modest dress" commanded by the Qur'an. Some western societies want to ban it. Many non-Muslims assume that it is a sign of women's subjection. For some Muslim women  it is empowering.

Read the article here.

What Not to Say to a Pagan

Here's a decent little article. Though it it is geared toward pagans, the general principles apply to conversation with anyone of a different religion: Ask; Don't assume.