Thursday, November 19, 2015

2500 Mormons Leave the Church

The issue? The LDS church's stance on same-sex couples adopting children.

Click here for a short blog post on the subject.

See video here.

 A longer article which profiles a lawyer helping those who choose to leave the LDS can be read here.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Facts About American Muslims


Islamophobia and Interfaith Efforts to Oppose It.

Islamophobia, the unreasoning fear of Islam, is a real thing. As an example, I offer this article about that controversy in a town in Florida that came from a photograph of a group of Muslim men exercising their constitutional right to pray.

There are individuals who profit--financially, politically, personally-- from peddling Islamophobia and pandering to the fears of the uninformed.

There has been a call for protests at mosques across America today. Link.

Fortunately there are interfaith groups actively working to counter them. Link.

On a related note, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks was interviewed on National Public Radio about his new book Not in God's Name. It is well worth a listen.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tribalism Poisons Everything

Read a good thinkpiece titled Atheist Tribalism Poisons Everything.

Religion is not the problem. Non-religion is not the problem. Tribalism is the problem.

Diwali for Dogs

Zorastrians feed their dogs first.

In Nepal, dogs are celebrated with a special day each year. Read about it here.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Langar at the Golden Temple

The Golden Temple in Amritsar, India serves a langar, a free meal to thousands daily. No questions asked.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Mormon "Preppers"

According to this article, some Mormons expect the end of the world to begin this month. This kind of thinking is not unique to the Latter-day Saints.

Sikh. American.

Islamophobia is real. It is wrong. It is inexcusable.

And sometimes it leads ignorant  bigots to act out against other religious groups.

Here is a good op-ed piece about being a Sikh American.

The High Holy Days

Rockford Rabbi Binah Wing explains Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in this article.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Santhara Update

Following up on this post, India's high court has lifted the ban on the Jain practice of santhara. Read about it here.

The decision is controversial. A quick Google search on "santhara" turns up many articles debating the practice.

More on that Statue of Baphomet

An article on the BBC website decodes the symbolism of the Temple of Satan's statue of Baphomet.

It should be noted that the Temple of Satan, like most modern Satanists, does not really conceive of Satan as an evil spiritual being. From the article:

We understand the Satanic figure as a symbol of man's inherent nature, representative of the eternal rebel, enlightened inquiry and personal freedom rather than a supernatural deity or being.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Bible Museum in Washington DC

Ads for the Museum of the Bible keep showing up on my Facebook feed. This article explains a lot. And it has a cool illustration:

Circumambulating the Kaaba on a "Hoverboard"

When ancient religion meets modern technology the results can be...disconcerting.

The man in this video appears to be using a hands-free segway to perform tawaf, the walk around the Kaaba in Mecca.

I'm not sure what to make of this. Neither, it seems, do some Muslims.

Article here.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Mormonizing of America

Mormonism is influential beyond its numbers. Especially now. This article examines some of the reasons.

Kumbh Mela

Good article explaining the Hindu festival of Kumbh Mela here.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Satanic Coloring Book

In the interest of Church/State separation, the Satanic Temple requested that they be allowed to distribute coloring books in a Florida school. After all, the Gideons could hand out Bibles...

Read the story here.

See the coloring book here.

A friend of mine, a Christian mind you, says, "Satanists make everything better."

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Jainism's commitment to doing as little harm as possible leads to some of its practitioners intentionally starving themselves to death in a practice called santhara. It made the news this week...

Sikh Temple of Wisconsin Offers Prayers for Emanuel Church

Click here.

Controversy Over Portrait of Jesus in Public School

Warner Sallman's Head of Christ is reputedly the world's most reproduced painting. I have seen it hanging in the hallways of public schools and, if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Sallman used to be the guest at school assemblies where he made a gift of the painting to the school. When Royster Middle School in Chanute, Kansas removed their print of the painting, it made some residents unhappy.

Read about it here.

And watch the Today Show's report on video here.

One of my seminary profs used to call this painting "Beautiful Hair Breck Jesus."

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

YouTube's Battle Against ISIS

The self-proclaimed Islamic State is giving all Muslims a bad name. Unfortunately their extremism captures headlines. Reasonable Muslim voices are drowned out by the violence and ignored by the media.

YouTube is trying to do something about it.

Read the article. Watch the videos. Don't imagine that ISIS is typical of Islam. Don't be an Islamophobe.

Really, don't be an Islamophobe.

Mormons Appoint Women to Leadership Positions

Read all about it.

It is my observation that, at least in the west, issues of sexuality are the bleeding edge for religions today. Questions about women in leadership and the inclusion of LGBTQ individuals are hot button topics. Some groups trench in and maintain traditional view. Others are opening up to a greater or lesser extent. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, traditionally patriarchal, has appointed three women to leadership roles.

They have also been more open about some of the details of their history than was previously the case.

Ten Things You Learn in Religion 101

This article is not without it problems. It is written from a Christian, and I think an Evangelical point-of-view. It is more about historical comparative Christianity than religion in general. Still, it is worth reading, especially for those who have an Evangelical Christian background.

Sex Slavery...

The self-proclaimed Islamic State is enslaving and systematically raping women, particularly Yazidi women. This article looks at the problem in some depth. It's well worth the read.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Religous Dress

Nice article here about why some religious groups dress as they do.

There is no mention of the Mormon temple garments, however. Some women would like to have the temple garments redesigned.

Zoroastrians Sue Snoop Dogg

Zoroastrians don't make the news very often. There really aren't that many of them. But...

Click here.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Then this happened...

On July 16, 2015 a Muslim man killed four Marines and a sailor in Chattanooga, TN. In the aftermath of that terrible event, this happened.

Satanists erect statue of Baphomet in Detroit

I have a friend who says "Satanists make everything better." They certainly make life more interesting by pushing the limits of Church/State separation.

Time magazine reported on the event.

Mormon Vloggers...

...carry on a Latter-day Saint tradition of journaling.

Article here.

Does Dawkins Have A Savior Complex?

Richard Dawkins tweets that Muslim women need liberated. Muslim women respond negatively.

Read all about it.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Black Mormons...

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has a mixed history when it comes to members of African descent. On the one hand, the LDS Church denied black people the priesthood, and admission to temple rites, until the 1970s, claiming their dark skin was the "mark of Ham." On the other hand, the early Mormon community included free blacks and their attitude toward slavery may have contributed to the troubles they had with their neighbors in Missouri back in 1838.

Today the LDS has a reputation for whiteness. 

Interesting article here.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Awakened One...

...and a sleeping one.

Apparently this is not uncommon.

Mormonism's Jon Krakauer Problem

Jon Krakauer wrote a compelling book about a horrifying murder committed by a fringe group of the Latter Day Saint movement. According to this article Krakauer's book is problematic. It conflates mainstream Mormonism with extremist groups. Unfortunately, it is the only introduction to Mormonism many people have had.

Part of the Krakauer problem then becomes a problem of genre confusion. To be sure, Under the Banner of Heaven is meticulously researched with extensive endnotes. And Krakauer’s hours of interviews with former members of the FLDS expose the abuses that the leadership of this insular community have long perpetrated. And he does so with arguably more authority than even the many Mormon fundamentalist captivity narratives published before or since. Yet, more than history or investigative journalism, Under the Banner of Heaven is first and foremost a page-turning polemic against religion in general and Mormonism—in all its forms—in particular. As such, if it can be solved at all, the Krakauer problem cannot be solved by peer-reviewed biographies of Joseph Smith, like Richard Bushman’s celebrated and exhaustive Rough Stone Rolling, published in 2005.* Nor can it be solved by trade press books like Bowman’s own The Mormon People, which came out in 2012, and has been perhaps the best single-volume history of Mormonism published in the last decade. Krakauer tells a better, more gripping story because he writes by a different set of rules that values thesis over fact. - See more at:
And yet the Krakauer problem doesn’t end with problematic sources and faulty interpretations of theology. To contextualize Under the Banner of Heaven as a piece of writing, the literary “parents” to Krakauer’s book are not only twentieth-century true-crime thrillers and captivity narratives like Capote’s In Cold Blood (which, of course, has also been criticized for blurring the lines between fact and fiction in service of a better story). Bowman says Krakauer’s version of Mormon history is “descended from the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Jack London who all wrote nineteenth-century dime novels premised on the notion that Brigham Young’s Zion was a totalitarian dictatorship complete with secret police and young Mormon maidens pining for rescue from the grimly-bearded elders of the church.” - See more at:
And yet the Krakauer problem doesn’t end with problematic sources and faulty interpretations of theology. To contextualize Under the Banner of Heaven as a piece of writing, the literary “parents” to Krakauer’s book are not only twentieth-century true-crime thrillers and captivity narratives like Capote’s In Cold Blood (which, of course, has also been criticized for blurring the lines between fact and fiction in service of a better story). Bowman says Krakauer’s version of Mormon history is “descended from the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Jack London who all wrote nineteenth-century dime novels premised on the notion that Brigham Young’s Zion was a totalitarian dictatorship complete with secret police and young Mormon maidens pining for rescue from the grimly-bearded elders of the church.” - See more at:
And yet the Krakauer problem doesn’t end with problematic sources and faulty interpretations of theology. To contextualize Under the Banner of Heaven as a piece of writing, the literary “parents” to Krakauer’s book are not only twentieth-century true-crime thrillers and captivity narratives like Capote’s In Cold Blood (which, of course, has also been criticized for blurring the lines between fact and fiction in service of a better story). Bowman says Krakauer’s version of Mormon history is “descended from the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Jack London who all wrote nineteenth-century dime novels premised on the notion that Brigham Young’s Zion was a totalitarian dictatorship complete with secret police and young Mormon maidens pining for rescue from the grimly-bearded elders of the church.” - See more at:
And yet the Krakauer problem doesn’t end with problematic sources and faulty interpretations of theology. To contextualize Under the Banner of Heaven as a piece of writing, the literary “parents” to Krakauer’s book are not only twentieth-century true-crime thrillers and captivity narratives like Capote’s In Cold Blood (which, of course, has also been criticized for blurring the lines between fact and fiction in service of a better story). Bowman says Krakauer’s version of Mormon history is “descended from the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Jack London who all wrote nineteenth-century dime novels premised on the notion that Brigham Young’s Zion was a totalitarian dictatorship complete with secret police and young Mormon maidens pining for rescue from the grimly-bearded elders of the church.” - See more at:

10 Misconceptions About Islam

I don't usually read Teen Vogue, but this article is worthwhile.

Oldest Known Manuscript of the Qur'an...

...recently found.

Story with video here

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015

Ise Jingu

The Grand Shrine to Amaratsu in Ise, Japan is entirely rebuilt every 20 years. The video is a little corny, but worth watching.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Post Mormons Meet in a Coffee Shop...

...and the LDS leadership shows new openness in discussing contentious matters of Latter Day Saint history.

Watch the video here.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sikh Student in the ROTC

A US District Court rules that a Sikh student does not need to trim his hair or beard, nor lose his turban to serve in the ROTC.

Click here.

Two Thinkpieces about Mormonism

A Mormon asks "Are We Mormons a Cult?"

A Christian asks "Is Mormonism Christian?"

Both answers are nuanced and surprising.

Ramadan Mubarak

Muslims in Reykjavik, Iceland fast for 22 hours daily during Ramadan in 2015.

Details here.

Interesting article on the meaning of Ramadan here.

The Gayatri Manta

Good morning!

Click here for a YouTube video of the mantra which many Hindus greet the new day.

The mantra greets the sun which, according to Grant Hardy, is to be understood as "light," understood as "knowledge."

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Soft Word Turneth Away Wrath

In response to armed protestors at a mosque, the Muslims invited them in for prayer...

Read about it here.

If this story is true, the organizer of the rally shows his true colors.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sukkot Poem Video

From the Jewish Standard:

This captivating music video begins with all the sounds of the Hebrew alphabet and takes flight into a surreal rendition of the image-rich poetry and prayers recited on the Sukkot festival.

Vocal artist Victoria Hanna researches ancient sacred Hebrew texts and sets them to music that explores their mystical nature in combination with contemporary modes of communication and symbols. Her work reveals transcendental aspects of voice, text, and spatial perception, as well as an astonishing vocal range and timbre

Much of the inspiration for her current work comes from Jerusalem, where the overlapping of past and present, ancient and modern, lies at the city’s very core.

Her work presents sacred Hebrew texts, prayers and spirituals in a unique and utterly modern context integrating theatre, music, spoken word and video. 


Man and beast
Flesh, spirit and soul
Sinew, bone and skin
Likeness and image - a tapestry
Splendor resembling futility
Compared to images of beasts
Luster, figure and stature
Renew the face of the earth
Planting trees in desolate lands
Winepresses and stacks of grain
Vineyards and sycamores
To the demarcated land
To heal with powerful rains
To give life to forsaken refuse
To sustain with vegetation
To enhance with sweet fruits
To invigorate with flowers
To rain on the sproutlings
To pour a stream of cool waters
To cloak with droplets
To elevate the thirsty earth
Which is suspended on silence

Lord who saves
Other than You there is no Savior
You are powerful and abundantly able to save
I am impoverished
Yet You shall save me
God is the Savior
God delivers and saves
Those who cry to You - save
Those who yearn for You - save
Satisfy Your lambs
Cause an abundance of crops, of trees, of vegetation - save
Let the wind bring the soaring clouds
Let the stormy rains roll in
Let the clouds not be withheld
God who opens a hand and satisfies Your thirsty ones - satisfy
Your callers - save
Your beloved - save
You seekers - save
Your wholesome ones - save

Thursday, February 26, 2015

What to Do with Our Bodies afte rWe Die

"The Urban Death Project is developing a new option which may appeal to those among us who want to minimize environmental harm and give something back to the earth when we die. It is a system designed for urban settings in which human bodies are transformed into a soil-enriching substance. This choice can also provide a deeply spiritual element for those who see something sacred in the cycles of life and the processes of decomposition and regeneration."

Read the whole article here.

Joan Chittester and Oprah

"Every religion says there is one God."


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bodhisattva Vow

June 6, 2014 Sikh's Riot at Golden Temple

Story here.

More photos here.

LDS leadership surveys members on Temple Garments

News story here.

August 5. 2012 Shooting in Sikh Gurdwara

Wiki tells the story here.

Muslim Students Shot in Chapel Hill

Read about it here.

Early reports led to the creation of the #muslimlivesmatter hashtag on Twitter. The father of the two women insists that the murders were a hate crime.

It shortly became known that the accused murderer is a vocal atheist. This elicited response from several sectors of the atheist community.

Huffington Post reported on the response here.

Memorial vigils were held across the country.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Average Mohamed

A Somali-American gas station manager from Minnesota creates anti-extremist cartoons.

Article here.

Average Mohamed's website here.

As Average Mohamed would say, "Peace up. Extremist thinking out."

Tibetan Sky Burial

Thursday, February 5, 2015

National Prayer Breakfast 2/5/15

Mongolian Monk Mummy

Read all about it.

Or just watch this bad video:

This remarkably preserved monk, found in the lotus position, may have practiced self-mummification, a grueling process that begins to preserve one's body before death. Some Buddhists are claiming that the 200 year old monk is not, in fact, dead but in a deep meditative state.

Incorruptibility is considered a mark of sainthood in many traditions.  Even Vladmir Lenin's corpse, "perfectly" preserved, is seen as somehow marvelous.

Guru Ashutosh: Dead or Meditating?

Story Here.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Pat Robertson says Haitians made a pact with the devil

Monster Energy Drink and Muslim Prayer in Christian Churches

The National Cathedral (Episcopal) in Washington DC hosted Muslim prayer:

Franklin Graham objected.

News Story Here

So did this woman, Christine Weick.

Video: Monster Energy Drink Exposed

Duke University Invited Muslims to pray. Franklin Graham objected. Duke University canceled the plan.

CBS New report

Eboo Patel explains why Franklin Graham is wrong.

Read it here.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sikh Captain America