Wednesday, June 15, 2016


This week brought another horrible mass shooting, this time at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The killer has been identified as a Muslim.

The New York Times story, with videos, can be found here.

Since the event there have been reports that the killer, though nominally Muslim, was in fact not religious. Although he claimed allegiance to ISIS (and, apparently, other, competing Islamic terrorist groups) his motivation seems to have been complex. He was violent, homophobic, possibly conflicted about his own sexuality.

See the Time magazine story, with more video, here.

In response, there have been interfaith expressions of sympathy and condolences for the victims' families, not the least from Muslims.

Another story with video, this one from Huffpo.

Of course there are some religious folk who use the incident as an opportunity to peddle hate in God's name.

Like this sicko. I wonder where he was radicalized.

The Southern Baptist Convention's response seems torn between sympathy and legalism...

I don't necessarily agree with the spin of this story, but the facts can be found in it nonetheless.

But many, perhaps most responses from religious groups have been supportive.

Read what happened when an Orthodox Jewish Congregation went to a gay bar.

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