Friday, July 29, 2016

Not Unrelated...

A blog post about listening.

Here's the pull quote:

If there’s one question I get asked more than any other question, it’s this: How do I listen to someone when I disagree with them?
There are many ways to answer this. It takes a lot of forgiveness, compassion, patience, and courage to listen in the face of disagreement. I could write pages on each of these principles, but let's start with the one thing that makes forgiveness, compassion, patience, and courage possible.
We must work to hear the person not just the opinion.

 Click here to read it all. You won't regret it.

Grant Hardy says "Not all religions can be true, or even equally true, but they can all be legitimate. By that I mean I can understand what you believe and that you have reasons to believe it even if I do not agree with you."

That may not be an exact quote.

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